About the artwork, Stryper frontman Michael Sweet comments: "The concept for The Covering is very powerful and rings true to the power of God's love upon our lives. God's covering is transforming and life-changing and we thought it would be very cool to visually portray that through the new artwork. Chris at Pale Horse Design has designed a character that represents the bad, or 'the evil' side, if you will, in us all. The booklet, (in comic-book style) will tell a story of good conquering evil and therefore leading to the transformation of the main character. Even though this has been a record to cause controversy and a select few to question our motives and reasons for covering the songs that we recorded, our faith and beliefs have never been more confirmed and our message is the same as it has always been. We'll go to the grave making a bold stand for Christ and we will never deny that. At the same time, we wanted to show a different side to the band and make everyone aware of the fact that we literally 'cut our teeth' on this music. Our history is what it is and there's no reason to avoid that or to say otherwise. These songs and bands have played a very important role in our own sound and musicianship and quite possibly we wouldn't be here today if it weren't for these bands. At the same time, we can play a cover song yet still remain faithful and present the message we've always presented. This record will show a whole new side to the band musically yet an even more powerful side to the band spiritually. I'm very proud (as we all are) to be a part of this record and a member of Stryper. We've stayed true to our convictions and there are great things in store for the future!"
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