All PDP models come optics READY. If you plan on putting an optic on your pistol then you are READY to go, if you want to keep that factory look then you are covered with the included cover plate. Each pistol comes with a free optic plate, simply go to and give us a bit of info. Accessory plates can also be purchased online or by calling us at 479-242-8500.
My go to for pocket carry is my Bersa Thunder 380 CC. For pocket carry, I prefer a traditional safety. Their CC models have a bobbed hammer, low profile sites that are easy to puck up, and are snag free. Bersas are also known for their reliability, accuracy and performance. They are DASA and operate just like the old Beretta 92s. Resembling a PPK, they fit nicely in my big paws, and 8+1 capacity gives me ample rounds. Drops in a coat pocket for Kojak style or vanishes in a suit pocket like Bond.
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