I am so pleased to announce you that Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 11 are just released today. It took about two weeks for me to upgrade all of my extensions that I made for PHPMaker 10 so that they will work properly for PHPMaker 11, too.
Please re-download again 7 extensions that I just updated today, August 2, 2014. Now you may choose one of the three options, whether to display the language selector: In Header, Below Header, or Hide Them All.
masino extensions for phpmaker 11
DOWNLOAD: https://urluso.com/2vDAD9
Keith, please re-download again 7 extensions that I just updated today, August 5, 2014. Some new features also were added such as displaying the Cancel button next to the Submit/Action button in MasinoFixedWidthSite11 extension.
As always, extract the downloaded Extensions to your C:\Program Files (x86)\PHPMaker 2021\extensions folder, afterwards enable all of them from Tools -> Extensions of your PHPMaker application. Also, extract the .xml language files into your C:\Program Files\PHPMaker 2020\languages folder.
To implement this new project file for your new web application, then make sure you have downloaded ALL the latest version of Masino Extensions files that I made for PHPMaker 2021 from the Download link above. Extract them, and then replace all the existing extensions with the new ones.
To implement this new project file for your new web application, then make sure you have downloaded ALL the latest version of Masino Extensions files that I made for PHPMaker 2022 from the Download link above. Extract them, and then replace all the existing extensions with the new ones.
Setelah berhasil Anda download, extract file .zip tersebut. Di dalamnya ada dua file, yaitu file masino-loader-11.xml dan file masino-loader-11.zip. Copy-kan kedua file tersebut ke dalam sub-folder C:\Program Files\PHPMaker 11\extensions, lalu buka project PHPMaker Anda dengan menggunakan PHPMaker, dan aktifkan Extension yang bernama MasinoLoader11 dari menu Tools -> Extensions -> Type: Loading Status -> MasinoLoader11.
Web Developer pengguna PHPMaker untuk membangun Aplikasi Web sejak tahun 2004. Sampai sekarang masih aktif dan rajin membagikan pengalamannya menggunakan PHPMaker melalui situs masinosinaga.com dan ilovephpmaker.com.